====== Skilly ====== Seznam skillů, bodového ohodnocení, vysvětlivky a anglický název pro snadnější hledání na internetu. ===== Standardní ===== ^ Název ^ Anglicky ^ Body ^ Návod ^ | Skok | Air | 100 | Perform a jump | | Burnout | Burnout | 100 | Spin a car's wheels whilst being stationary | | Čistý závod | Clean Racing | 100 | Complete a race section without a heavy collision | | Draft | Drafting | 100 | Follow the slipstream of an opponent | | Drift | Drift | 100 | Perform a drift | | Drift s ruční brzdou | E-Drift | 100 | Initiate a drift by using the e-brake | | Reverzní 180° | J Turn | 100 | Perform a quick 180° direction change from driving in reverse | | Těsný průjezd | Near Miss | 100 | Pass a non-racing vehicle closely at high speed | | 180° | One Eighty | 100 | Perform a quick 180° direction change | | Průjezd | Pass | 100 | Overtake a racing opponent closely at high speed | | Triky po sobě | Skill Chain | 100 | Perform multiple skills in succession | | Rychlost | Speed | 100 | Drive at a high speed | | Výměna laku | Trade Paint | 50 | Tap another vehicle | | Jízda po dvou | Two Wheels | 100 | Drive on two wheels | | | Upside Down | 100 | Pass through an Upside Down track piece | | Buldozer | Wreckage | 100 | Smash through a breakable item | ===== Kombinace ===== ^ Název ^ Anglicky ^ Body ^ Návod ^ | Přeskočení | Airborne Pass | 1,000 | Perform an Air and Pass skill at the same time | | Nouzové přistání | Crash Landing | 1,000 | Perform an Air and Wreckage skill in quick succession | | | Ebisu Style | 1,000 | Perform a Great Air skill or better and land into a Great Drift skill or better | | Otevřená cesta | Hard Charger | 1,000 | Perform a Burnout and Speed skill in quick succession without braking | | Šťastná náhoda | Lucky Escape | 1,000 | Perform a Drift and Near Miss skill at the same time | | Vejtaha | Showoff | 1,000 | Perform a Pass and Drift skill at the same time | | Výstřel z praku | Slingshot | 1,000 | Perform a Drafting and Pass skill in quick succession | | | Stuntman | 1,000 | Perform an Air and Near Miss skill at the same time | ===== Speciální ===== ^ Název ^ Anglicky ^ Body ^ Návod ^ | Salto | Barrel Roll | 1,000 | Perform a complete sideways airborne flip and land without crashing | | Čistý start | Clean Start! | 2,000 | Start a race without colliding with any opponents or scenery | | Hulvát | Daredevil | 1,000 | Perform multiple Near Miss skills in quick succession | | Škrtnutí při driftu | Drift Tap | 1,000 | Tap a wall whilst performing a Drift skill | | Úprava krajiny | Landscaping | 1,000 | Perform multiple Wreckage skills with fences in quick succession | | Dřevorubec | Lumberjack | 1,000 | Smash through a tree stump | | Klokaní skok | Kangaroo | 1,000 | Perform three Air skills in quick succession | | Boční kolize | Sideswipe | 1,000 | Tap an object from the side | | Sněhulák | Snowman | 1,000 | Smash through a snowman | | Uchem jehly | Threading the Needle | 1,000 | Pass two non-racing vehicles from both sides at high speed | | Popelář | Trashman | 1,000 | Knock over a garbage bin | | Trojprůjezd | Triple Pass | 1,000 | Overtake three opponents in quick succession | | Demolice | Wrecking Ball | 1,000 | Perform multiple Wreckage skills in quick succession |