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Utilita na tisk štítků na ptouch tiskárnách brother


git clone https://git.familie-radermacher.ch/linux/ptouch-print.git/
cd ptouch-print
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libgd-dev
sudo mv build/ptouch-print /usr/local/bin/
gzip ptouch-print.1
sudo install -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 ptouch-print.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1


PTOUCH-PRINT(1)           ptouch printer util          PTOUCH-PRINT(1)
       ptouch-print  - a command line tool to use Brother Ptouch label
       ptouch-print [options] <print command options>
       ptouch-print is a command line tool that can be used  to  print
       labels with several Brother Ptouch label printers.
       General  options, font selection options and optput options are
       valid for the whole printout and should  be  given  only  once.
       Each duplication will override the previous argument value.
       Any of the printing command options can be given more than once
       in any order, and will be executed in the given order.
   General options
              Enables printing of debugging information.
   Font selection options
       --fontsize <size>
              Disable auto-detection of the font size  and  force  the
              font  size  to  the  size given as argument. Please note
              that text will be cut off if you  specify  a  too  large
              font size here.
       --font <fontname>
              Set the font to the fontname given as argument.
   Output control options
       --writepng <file>
              Instead of printing to the label printer, write the out‐
              put in a PNG image file (which can be printed later  us‐
              ing the --image printing command option).
   Printing command options
       --text text
              Print  the  given text at the current position. Text in‐
              cluding spaces must be enclosed in question  marks.   To
              print a text in multiple lines, give multiple text argu‐
              ments.  Also see the EXAMPLES section.
       --image image.png
              Print the image file at the current position. The  image
              file  must  be  a  two color, palette based image in PNG
              Print a cutmark (dashed line) at the current position.
       --pad <n>
              Print <n> pixels of white space at the current position.
              Useful  for  printers that would otherwise cut off parts
              of the printed text or image.
   Getting help and display information
       -?, --help
              Print a help message and exit.
              Display version information and exit.
       --info Show info about the tape detected (like  printing  width
              etc.) and exit.
              List all supported printers
       The default font used is 'DejaVuSans'.
       The  default  fontsize  is auto-detected, depending on the used
       tape width and font.
       0      Successful program execution.
       1      Usage syntax error.
       5      Printer device could not been opened.
       ptouch-print --text 'Hello World'
              Print the text 'Hello World' in one line
       ptouch-print --text 'Hello' 'World'
              Print the text 'Hello World' in two  lines  ('Hello'  in
              the first line and 'World' in the second line).
       ptouch-print --image icon.png
              Print   the  image  contained  in  the  PNG  image  file
              'icon.png'.  The image file must be  palette  based  PNG
              format with two colors.
       Written   by   Dominic   Radermacher  (dominic@familie-raderma‐
       Also      see       https://dominic.familie-radermacher.ch/pro‐
1.5                           2023-03-13               PTOUCH-PRINT(1)
linux/ptouch-print.txt · Poslední úprava: 2024/11/14 20:57 autor: chytrex