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Seznam skillů, bodového ohodnocení, vysvětlivky a anglický název pro snadnější hledání na internetu.


Název Anglicky Body Návod
Skok Air 100 Perform a jump
Burnout Burnout 100 Spin a car's wheels whilst being stationary
Čistý závod Clean Racing 100 Complete a race section without a heavy collision
Draft Drafting 100 Follow the slipstream of an opponent
Drift Drift 100 Perform a drift
Drift s ruční brzdou E-Drift 100 Initiate a drift by using the e-brake
Reverzní 180° J Turn 100 Perform a quick 180° direction change from driving in reverse
Těsný průjezd Near Miss 100 Pass a non-racing vehicle closely at high speed
180° One Eighty 100 Perform a quick 180° direction change
Průjezd Pass 100 Overtake a racing opponent closely at high speed
Triky po sobě Skill Chain 100 Perform multiple skills in succession
Rychlost Speed 100 Drive at a high speed
Výměna laku Trade Paint 50 Tap another vehicle
Jízda po dvou Two Wheels 100 Drive on two wheels
Upside Down 100 Pass through an Upside Down track piece
Buldozer Wreckage 100 Smash through a breakable item


Název Anglicky Body Návod
Přeskočení Airborne Pass 1,000 Perform an Air and Pass skill at the same time
Nouzové přistání Crash Landing 1,000 Perform an Air and Wreckage skill in quick succession
Ebisu Style 1,000 Perform a Great Air skill or better and land into a Great Drift skill or better
Otevřená cesta Hard Charger 1,000 Perform a Burnout and Speed skill in quick succession without braking
Šťastná náhoda Lucky Escape 1,000 Perform a Drift and Near Miss skill at the same time
Vejtaha Showoff 1,000 Perform a Pass and Drift skill at the same time
Výstřel z praku Slingshot 1,000 Perform a Drafting and Pass skill in quick succession
Stuntman 1,000 Perform an Air and Near Miss skill at the same time


Název Anglicky Body Návod
Salto Barrel Roll 1,000 Perform a complete sideways airborne flip and land without crashing
Čistý start Clean Start! 2,000 Start a race without colliding with any opponents or scenery
Hulvát Daredevil 1,000 Perform multiple Near Miss skills in quick succession
Škrtnutí při driftu Drift Tap 1,000 Tap a wall whilst performing a Drift skill
Úprava krajiny Landscaping 1,000 Perform multiple Wreckage skills with fences in quick succession
Dřevorubec Lumberjack 1,000 Smash through a tree stump
Klokaní skok Kangaroo 1,000 Perform three Air skills in quick succession
Boční kolize Sideswipe 1,000 Tap an object from the side
Sněhulák Snowman 1,000 Smash through a snowman
Uchem jehly Threading the Needle 1,000 Pass two non-racing vehicles from both sides at high speed
Popelář Trashman 1,000 Knock over a garbage bin
Trojprůjezd Triple Pass 1,000 Overtake three opponents in quick succession
Demolice Wrecking Ball 1,000 Perform multiple Wreckage skills in quick succession
xbox-one/forza/forza-horizon-4/skilly.txt · Poslední úprava: 2020/09/09 00:08 autor: chytrex